Within a year of the outbreak of World War II, the colonial government began looking for Sri Lankan volunteers to serve in various capacities with the...
Assistant Art Director Gayan Madushanka on the making of Funny Boy By Tharishi Hewavithanagamage Directed by the renowned and Oscar-nominated filmmaker Deepa Mehta, the full length...
After the 2004 Tsunami, the Institute for Research and Development in Health and Social Care launched a campaign under the slogan ‘children first’. The basic tenet...
‘Is almost half the US electorate dim-witted, ignorant or psychotic?’ A very pertinent and timely poser indeed, considering the worrying situation that has arisen in the...
Dr. Madhusanka Liyanage: First Sri Lankan to win IEEE Outstanding Young Researcher Award By Sajitha Prematunge Oblivious to the laws of physics and before he could...
By Prof.Kirthi Tennakone (Email: ktenna@yahoo.co.uk), National Institute of Fundamental Studies Abraham Kovoor and his son, Aries Kovoor, rendered an exemplary service to the nation; it...
Late Vice Admiral Srikant, AVSM by Admiral Ravindra C. Wijegunaratne (Retired From Sri Lanka Navy) Former Chief of Defence Staff I was watching NDTV news...
Singer Suzi Croner (Fluckiger), of Friends the band fame, says she now spends most of her lockdown time, working on Christmas carols, some of which she...
by Jehan Perera The loss of the USD 480 million grant opportunity provided to Sri Lanka by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) was on the cards...
Wellington Airport, New Zealand, Control Tower, in a shopping Mall By Capt G A Fernando MBA gafplane@sltnet.lk President, Aircraft Owners and Operators Association RCyAF, Air...