By Pradeep Prasanna Samarakoon Police had arrested 1,165 persons for drug and alcohol offences during special raids conducted in the Western Province in the 24-hour period...
.. wants more humane methods like controlling their breeding By Ifham Nizam Arming farmers is not a solution to the problem of crop damage caused by...
Sanudula Dahamdi of Musaeus College receiving the trophy from Lakshman Wijesuriya, the president of the Chess Federation of Sri Lanka. Fourteen-year- old Sanudula Dahamdi of Musaeus...
Minister Chandima Weerakkody making a purchase using the DFCC Pay App DFCC, the bank for everyone, recently participated in the Central Bank of Sri Lanka’s (CBSL)...
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in order to further promote trade and investment between Sri Lanka and Hongkong will be organizing a webinar on “Business and...
Funded by the United States, Sri Lanka@100 (SL@100) selected its first round of seven high-potential companies to receive cutting-edge business advisory services to accelerate their growth....
Nilantha Fernando, Activation Manager, Lifebuoy (right) handing over a batch of leaflets to Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police, Deshabandu Thennakoon. Continuing to scale up its...