Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga says Rs. 517 million has been allocated for the development of botanical gardens in the country next year. The Minister said that...
The donation of the two Dialysis CRRT machines was carried out online with the participation of Singer Sri Lanka Group CEO Mahesh Wijewardene, Human Resources Director...
By Shamindra Ferdinando Education Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris yesterday (28) said that the government was going ahead with plans to re-open schools on January 11...
98th National Athletics Championships- Day III by Reemus Fernando Sprinter Amasha de Silva established herself as one of the top Sri Lankan sprinters to have ever...
(From L-R): Dulana Warnasooriya, Brand Manager-Electronics, Browns; Kumara Kulendra, Branch Manager – MBC, Integrated Solutions Division, Browns, Sanakan Thamotharampillai, Group Chief Operating Officer/Group Chief Finance Officer,...
Vivian Candappa, also known as DJ Smokey/Chef Vivi Chand For many, New Year’s Eve, this year, will most certainly be confined to – fun at home…leading...
by Bob Isaacson, President CEO of Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA) I am the co-founder and President/CEO of the only international Buddhist animal advocacy organization in...