by Sarath Amunugama While his supporters were fitted into convenient positions on State boards, Minister R S Perera was more interested in his own nascent business...
By Imesh Ranasinghe The Parliamentary Opposition is charging that the general public let down their guard against the Covid-19 pandemic because the government officially stated that...
by Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya President’s Counsel Compared with most other erstwhile British colonies, independence was granted to Ceylon virtually on a silver platter. This statement is...
Ven. Muruththettuwe Ananda Thera, president of the Public Service United Nurses Union, said that he has asked the President, Prime Minister and the Health Minister to...
by Steve A. Morrell The Japanese Embassy convened a seminar on ‘Quality Infrastructure’ to commemorate International Cooperation Day. Japanese Ambassador, Akira Sugiyama, in his opening remarks...
A team of senior representatives from the MarCom Collective and Ernst & Young Sri Lanka met with Ajith Nivard Cabraal, State Minister for Money and Capital...
“IS TRUMP PLANNING A COUP D`ETAT?” by Selvam Canagaratna “All that we do is done with an eye to something else.” – Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (4th...