Every year AIA Insurance holds the annual Company Conference in grand style; an evening of glitz, glamour, recognitions and rewards for employee achievements throughout the year....
20A before SC * 19A adopted without referendum; 20A seeking to replace it needs only 2/3 – lawyers for ministers By Chitra Weerarathne Media freedom should...
Sri Lankan delegation at the Fourth Sri Lanka-Japan Dialogue on Maritime Security, Safety and Oceanic Issues The fourth Sri Lanka-Japan Dialogue on Maritime Security, Safety and...
Under the leadership and initiative of the Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Sumangala Dias, the SLAF Command Agro Unit, in collaboration with SLAF Station...
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Sultanate of Oman O.L. Ameer Ajwad meeting Minister for Economy of the Sultanate of Oman Dr. Said Al Saqri Ambassador...
Minister Johnston Fernando was yesterday discharged by the Colombo High Court from by the Director General of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption...
The UK’s new Student route and Child Student route will open on 5 October 2020 to the best and brightest international students from across the globe....