Strong asset and other income growth combined with an emphasis on prudent provisioning in one of the most challenging years...
PCoI on Easter Sunday attacks: By Shamindra Ferdinando Attorney General Dappula de Livera, PC is not bound by recommendations made...
by Suresh Perera The government’s move to prohibit travel outside the Western province has hampered postal services with the regular sorting of mail disrupted due to...
Trump’s attempted coup: Neo-fascism’s last warning to all the world by Kumar David Cities across the US erupted in joy to celebrate Trump’s defeat but before...
by Dr. Nihal Jayawickrama Recent contributions to the Sunday Island by my school friends Godwin Perera (Remembered Yesterdays) and Gamini Seneviratne (Disce aut Discede) have brought...
A two-year partnership, known as SheWorks Sri Lanka, has led to a 12 percent increase in the number of women employed by 15 of the country’s...
by Ifham Nizam The 104MW Wind Power Project in Mannar will be commissioned under the auspices of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa on Tuesday. The plant’s contribution...
Living in Harmony amidst Challenges after Easter Terrorist Attacks of 2019 by Prabhath de Silva Sri Lanka has attracted the attention of ancient and modern colonial...
For the third year in a row, Airtel Lanka which claims to be the country’s most popular youth-telco brand was recognized as a ‘Company with Great...