Strong asset and other income growth combined with an emphasis on prudent provisioning in one of the most challenging years...
PCoI on Easter Sunday attacks: By Shamindra Ferdinando Attorney General Dappula de Livera, PC is not bound by recommendations made...
SIR SEAN CONNERY by Anura Gunasekera As a teen my introduction to James Bond was “Casino Royale”, a tattered paperback copy bought second-hand, for a few...
by Gamini Seneviratne Form-mates, classmates perhaps in Mr. J E V Pieris’s IA, I seem to recall also the ‘J’ in J Godwin Perera. His reminiscences...
by Kshama Ranawana The COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated lifestyle changes for most globally, and in this new normal, more consumers are turning to e-Commerce to purchase...
Bhante Dhammika of Australia According to the Samyutta Nikaya, a group of monks once approached the Buddha and told him they had decided to travel to...
International Buddhist Conference 2020 The National Council for International Affairs of the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress (ACBC) has organized the International Buddhist Conference on November 7...
Washington (District of Columbia, United States AFP) The US Secret Service has increased its protective bubble around Joe Biden as chances increased that he will be...
by NORMAN PALIHAWADANA There was intense speculation that Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa avoided meeting with visiting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Social media posts suggested...