Strong asset and other income growth combined with an emphasis on prudent provisioning in one of the most challenging years...
PCoI on Easter Sunday attacks: By Shamindra Ferdinando Attorney General Dappula de Livera, PC is not bound by recommendations made...
Party leaders in parliament have asked the government several times to table it in the House but the government has...
by Malinda Seneviratne If something deserves to be called ‘Event of the Week’ it would be the ‘Pothuvil to Poligandy...
by Vijaya Chandrasoma February was recognized as the month to celebrate the history and achievements of the African American people...
by Malinda Seneviratne There’s a bill currently at the ‘Committee Stage’ in the UK’s House of Lords which that country’s...
by Malinda Seneviratne Last week we wrote that it’s time for the Geneva Circus and that it would come with...
by Malinda Seneviratne Circus Pacifica, Apollo Circus and of course the amazing Chinese Circus — readers of an earlier generation...
by Malinda Seneviratne Over the last few weeks there has been a concerted campaign in social media attacking President Gotabaya...
* Covid-19 continues to dominate headlines * 20A now legally effective but inadequate * Focus shifts from CC to Article...
by C.A. Chandraprema That the 20th Amendment was passed does not come as a surprise. That some opposition MPs voted...
by C.A.Chandraprema The drafting of the new constitution to replace the 1978 constitution has begun even before the 20th Amendment...
by Hemantha Randunu “Let’s get out of here Muthumali, Danny Mahattaya is going out of control; his henchmen won’t leave us alone!” Madush told his wife...
by Dr. Dayanath Jayasuriya P. C. When the Institute of Fundamental Studies was set up in Kandy in the 1980s, its second Chairman Professor Cyril Ponnamperuma...
by Saman Indrajith The fast spreading Covid-19 virus and the increase in the number of deaths have left people with two choices — either to die...
LYNETTE TAN ROBINSONS Singapore, one of the oldest retailers in the Republic with more than a century in business, will close down for good following losses...
by Prof. Liyanage Amarakeerthi Many people knew that the 20th Amendment will pass. I was one of them. When the debate on it was taking place...
There has been much discussion on the need to have a more literate and well informed Membership in our Parliament. Yet when a new entrant displays...
by Vijaya Chandrasoma The final week before the most important election in the history of the United States started on Monday, October 26, with both campaigns...